

Dawn: Sun Rise: Moon Rise: MoonVisible %
Dusk: Sun Set: Moon Set:
Daylight: Day Length: Moon Phase:
Current conditions:

Conditions at local time

Temperature and Humidity
Temperature   Dew Point  
Windchill   Humidity  %
Heat Index   Apparent TemperatureFeels Like  
Temp change last hour  
Rainfall Today   Rainfall Rate  /hr
Rainfall This Month   Rainfall This Year  
Rainfall Last Hour   Last rainfall
Rainfall Since Midnight   Rainfall Last 24 Hours  
Wind Speed (gust)   Wind Speed (avg)  
Wind Bearing ° Beaufort
Wind Variation (last 10 minutes) From ° to °
Pressure (sea level)
Barometer    /hr
Solar Radiation  W/m² Evapotranspiration Today  
UV Index

Page updated .

Welcome to

The weather station in use is the
This page is updated every minutes. The meteorological day used at this station ends at .


Donations towards the weather station would be appreciated. We have just installed a new computer, and changed our webhosting. Weather data has been reset as of 16/5/24.


Please Note new instruments were installed on 2/10/24 due to failure. Things should settle down now I hope!